Diaverum provides life enhancing renal care to patients with chronic kidney disease around the world. Because everyone deserves a fulfilling life.
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Our nursing team makes vacations possible!
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Care, true care
Diaverum x GenM
TGS Italy
Employee Italy
Interview with Daniele Fioramonti
Employee Italy
Training event with Head Nurses

Our services

Haemodialysis (HD): the process
Haemodialysis removes toxic substances that have accumulated in your blood as a result of kidney failure
Peritoneal dialysis (PD)
Peritoneal dialysis is a kidney replacement therapy that takes place inside your body without any blood manipulation
Kidney transplant
Kidney transplantation is a surgical option of treatment when the kidneys fail


Thinking of travelling while on a transplant list?

Our d.HOLIDAY Fly Back Programme funds safe and fast returns home for patients who receive their transplant call whilst travelling within Europe.

Visit the d.HOLIDAY website to discover more!

Diaverum Marsala clinic

Reference point and excellence of the territory



Patient story: Joanna Bennet

Renal care patient at Diaverum, passionate traveller and dialysis travel agency founder

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